Monday, January 23, 2006

Update: New Orleans (shuffleboard with the ladies)

Well, I’m back here in Baghdad….I mean New Orleans. Things are going great down here, if you like mud, trash and a foul stench permeating everywhere. OK, so that is not so different from before K-day. Since returning to the fine city I have been drinking and wondering around aimlessly shouting at the roaches, which seem to have faired quite well while everyone was gone. Luckily the beer still flows and there is no shame in sitting on your stoop with a 40. Of course I’ve had no stoop to sit on being on a cruise ship for a few weeks. That was quite an adventure. You would not believe how crazy the 70 year old women are when you start playing shuffleboard. ‘Ol Betsy almost took my head off with the shuffle stick after I beat her a second time last Saturday. Why the hell would they put a deck full of retirees on our boat anyway? Luckily I will be moving out this week to this fine new apartment. I took a picture for all to enjoy. Looks good doesn’t it? There’s a little cleaning to be done, but I think it should be fine.
Well, I will have more to say later, right now I have a date with a spry 67 year old lady I met at the early bird special on deck 12. Maybe I’ll get lucky, but first I need a couple Pabst to loosen up.
One last thing, Stuart is right on with the Bareback review. That movie has been burned into my brain for weeks now. It really changed me…..I really miss Pete now.

-Steve the younger

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