Saturday, January 14, 2006

Fucking Robbed . . .

Well, hell of a welcome back to South Bend and a great way to kick off that last semester of school . . . let me tell you. I got a call Friday night from two of my roommates who had just gotten back to the house to find that it had been broken into, and any and all electronic devices, etc. (and pretty much anything else of significant monetary value) had been stolen. Bastards. So, needless to say, I spent most of the night on the phone with them and my other 2 roommates.

The brain surgeons that are the South Bend Police (shown here scratching head in disbelief) had a tough time lifting any prints, and also couldn't find any signs of forced entry . . . which makes it very suspicious to me. Only other person that we know has a key to our house is our landlord (in San Diego), and the maintenance guy, who's about 65, seems to be a nice guy, and generally seems harmless. He is a "townie" though, so you never really know.

As for my personal stuff - TV, Stereo, Fridge, DVD player (had the DVDs at home, thankfully), video game crap, camera, bike (which we all took ours out of the garage to keep them safe . . . haha . . . and even locked them to one of the steel columns in the basement) . . . all among the pricier things. For some reason, and thankfully, they didn't take all my architecture books . . . must not have thought they were interesting, when in actuality, they could have made a killing reselling those probably.

My one roommate also had his sketchbooks from Rome stolen . . . which is one of those losses that are irreplaceable. (See CPayne for first hand account.)

Well, more updates as we apprehend the criminals, discover the warehouse full of looted items, and keep the ball rolling on this semester's rocking start in the Bend.


Chris said...

That sucks. Hope you had insurance so at least you get new crap out of it.


Roudy said...

That really blows dude, a hell of a welcome back... g'luck getting it all sorted... and remember that on the claims things cost more now than when you bought them...-S